Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Till Death Do Us Part....

"I'm pregnant!" "So when are you getting married?" "I'm due April 15th." "Yeah, but you're getting married, right?" I expected this conversation from my Grandma but from friends that are my age? Believe me, I want to get married and I always thought that would come first.....but it didn't and I'm sure as hell not running for the chapel just because I got knocked up.

Have you ever been around someone planning a wedding??? Do you really think I want to add THAT stress on top of these raging hormones, bouts of tears and not to mention this intensive course I am taking?  And by intensive course, I mean all the studying and research I have to complete in 9 months.....baby studies.  The first time I looked at baby products, a sense of panic set in, I slammed my laptop closed and wasn't sure how I would figure all this stuff out.  But then I found myself on the sofa reading reviews and watching how to use a stroller videos for 2+ hours on a Saturday afternoon.  Not to mention the 1+ hour putting together the stroller and watching the video again and practicing open and closing the damn thing!  Like I said, intensive training course. And that's just the stroller! And I'm on a limited time frame....this course ends when she arrives.  Then a new course starts....

I just don't get why people in today's times think that we need to rush and get married just because we're having a baby.  There's nothing more "till death do us part" than having a child together!  And honestly if I would have announced an engagement, then the pregnancy, you know what you all would have said? "Oh, that's why they got engaged." Getting pregnant isn't a reason to get married.

To me, getting married is about love, mutual respect and knowing that you couldn't imagine not being with this person for the rest of your life.  Not because you're pregnant, you've got this timeline in your head and just because someone asked you to marry them.

Speaking of timelines.....ladies....STOP IT!  If I hear another person have a date/age they want to get married by, I'm going to slap you.  So you're telling me that you'll marry any man you're with at that age just to stay on some dumb timeline you probably created when you were 12?  Now I get it if you're with someone you love, respect and couldn't imagine being without.  If he's not on the same page as you are, move on.  But don't marry just any guy you are with around that age for the sake of getting married.  If you do, you better start researching divorce lawyers....you'll need one in approximately 3 years.

Our daughter is being brought into this world by 2 people who love each other very much.  That's all that matters. <3