Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What a difference a year makes.

As I got up this morning I was thinking how I haven't blogged in a LONG time. So I just had to re-visit my blogs from the end of last year. Wow, what a difference a year makes. Looks like last year I deemed year of the douchebag....this year I deem it the year of change.

So much has happened this year that if you would have told me a year ago this is what my life would have looked like, I would have accused you of smoking crack.  No seriously, lay off the pipe.  You have to be smoking crack to think that at the end of 2010 I'd be living with the love of my life and expecting a baby. And now "No, I won't meet you for a drink" takes on a whole new meaning!

2011 is going to be even more life changing! I'll be sure to keep this going because so many things are happening......Wishing you all a happy holidays! xxoo