Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I be crushing……

Crushes are the best thing ever! They make your heart race, sweat to build up on your brow and give you butterflies in your stomach. I love that nervous anticipation of seeing them. No matter how old you are, you feel like an awkward kid.

I remember my first crush, Johnny. I was in the 1st grade and he was in the 2nd grade. We would have recess together and I remember always wanting to play near him and watch him. Trying to do things to get his attention. I can’t tell you what he looked like, but I remember the feelings he gave me. I have always been pretty vocal, but around him I doubt I ever said a word. Then I moved, so I moved onto Evan Pence along with every other girl in Crockett/Rodeo/Hercules/Pinole/and beyond. It probably had something to do with Alicia Cromwell running up to me on my first day of school. “That’s Evan Pence and he thinks you’re cute!” Not sure if he ever did think I was cute or if that was Alicia just being Alicia. But even my parents knew about that one! Ah to be 7 again, the innocence of those crushes.

A chance encounter landed me face to face with my recent crush last weekend. At that moment, I realized how big of a crush I had. When I looked up and saw him walking across the room, the whole room stopped and I saw only him. At first, I got scared. “Oh god, who is he with?” I looked behind him to see if a girl was following him in the crowd. With no girls in sight, I am sure a goofy smile erupted on my face.

I be crushing……

Friday, April 3, 2009

Can you pull a rabbit out of that hat?

Last night was my turn to host “family dinner”. I cooked up a big pot of pasta like a good Sicilian girl. And Jillian brought me an awesome surprise, Case!! I love me some Case. So in honor of his presence, we all went out to Green Door after dinner. (Thanks Brittany for styling me.)
Green Door is an awesome venue and Shawnee’s party on Thursdays. So Brittany and I are standing by the bar talking. And this guy comes over and starts chatting with us. He was alright looking and a bit animated. He starts off in normal conversation; where do you live, work, etc. Then he announces “I want to do a magic trick for you guys!” To be honest, I thought he was joking and was going to do something silly. But no he proceeds to pull 2 coins out of his pocket and asks us to each pick one and hold it in our hand. Brittany and I look at each other in total shock. Is this his pick up? Does he REALLY think that MAGIC TRICKS get girls??? Ummm, if you want to impress a 5 year old, do a magic trick. If you want to get in girls pants, sorry this doesn’t work.
Now he is doing his magic tricks and we are just standing there dumbfounded. I was laughing and he probably thought he was amusing me, but I was laughing because I was so embarrassed for him!! I wish I would have had liquid courage to stop him and say “STOP, you are not scoring points here. You are scaring me!”
He continues doing his cheesy tricks and saying how I need to come to the Magic Castle. He’ll give me the full tour. Then starts telling me about the owl at the front door, blah blah blah. Luckily my friends came over and I did the turn towards them and he finally walked away. I avoided eye contact the rest of the evening.
This poor guy is probably a really cool person and can’t figure out why he is single. Or maybe one day, he will meet the girl that loves his tricks. I guess I’ll believe that since I want to believe that there is someone for everyone out there!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

No I won't come meet you for a drink!! - My Relationship Blog

So I have decided to start blogging about my dating adventures and my advice for my friends. All names will be changed to protect the innocent/guilty.

Disclaimer: I have recently diagnosed myself with ADD. So follow at your own risk!

So I have been having conversations with a friend about her relationship. Without getting into all the details, the best advice I could give her was this: You can’t make someone be something they are not. Women think that once he loves me, he will be more sensitive, loving, considerate, etc. Ummm, no he won’t! The person he is when you met is who he will be when he dies. If you met an inconsiderate asshole, he will just be an inconsiderate asshole that you love. He won’t care that you are crying, upset and need to hear that he loves you. You can train him to sometimes do those things, but he won’t be able to comfort you the same you would comfort him. And besides, if he was that loving person, you probably wouldn’t like him anyhow! You love his douchebagness. And I can say that because I tend to love me some douchebag!

Speaking of douchebags, my ex is a huge one! But I am completely over him. I know this because I am disgusted by him. If I can no longer imagine his hands on my rockin’ body, it’s a done deal. When we were in NYC, I felt this way. I would look at his finger nails, feet and be grossed out. Before I would over look these things. I was blinded by love (I think I just threw up in my mouth).

So dating sucks! I have never been a fan. But I finally decided it’s time to get out there (so lame). Here’s a bit about some of my dates….I’ll go into details later. Let me know which one you want to hear more about first….
Guy #1 (2 dates) – Awesome guy. Super hot. Too busy. Hasn’t friggin kissed me! WTF!!
Guy #2 (2 dates) – We have a lot in common but no spark. No soup for you!
Guy #3 (1 ½ dates) – Super fun and sexy. But still caught up with his ex. NEXT!!!