Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I be crushing……

Crushes are the best thing ever! They make your heart race, sweat to build up on your brow and give you butterflies in your stomach. I love that nervous anticipation of seeing them. No matter how old you are, you feel like an awkward kid.

I remember my first crush, Johnny. I was in the 1st grade and he was in the 2nd grade. We would have recess together and I remember always wanting to play near him and watch him. Trying to do things to get his attention. I can’t tell you what he looked like, but I remember the feelings he gave me. I have always been pretty vocal, but around him I doubt I ever said a word. Then I moved, so I moved onto Evan Pence along with every other girl in Crockett/Rodeo/Hercules/Pinole/and beyond. It probably had something to do with Alicia Cromwell running up to me on my first day of school. “That’s Evan Pence and he thinks you’re cute!” Not sure if he ever did think I was cute or if that was Alicia just being Alicia. But even my parents knew about that one! Ah to be 7 again, the innocence of those crushes.

A chance encounter landed me face to face with my recent crush last weekend. At that moment, I realized how big of a crush I had. When I looked up and saw him walking across the room, the whole room stopped and I saw only him. At first, I got scared. “Oh god, who is he with?” I looked behind him to see if a girl was following him in the crowd. With no girls in sight, I am sure a goofy smile erupted on my face.

I be crushing……

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