Wednesday, May 13, 2009

For the love of a douche-bag.

When did this shift in thinking happen? Women no longer want that nice guy who sends cute messages and flowers. But we want that guy who is careless and leaves traces of the last female at his house. It’s such a screwed up way of thinking but most of us are guilty of it.

You meet a really nice guy. He calls. He’s on time. He engages you in conversation trying to learn more about you. Oh and then he remembers the past conversations you had!

You meet a huge douche-bag. He only texts. You don’t have to worry about him being on time because you always have to go to him. While you talk to him, he’s on his phone texting and nodding like he’s listening. And you are always repeating yourself.

We all cry about finding that nice guy but when we do, we run. We don’t know how to deal with how nice they are. They are accused of being fake and hiding something. “There’s no way he can be this nice!” And we get irritated by it. WTF is that about!?!

Why have we all developed this deep rooted desire to be treated like shit? I’m over that.

New Rules:
1. YOU have to call at least once a week to talk on the phone. We are all busy but if you want to get to know me, pick up the phone. We all have a few minutes in the day!
2. I know you are dating other people, but don’t rub it in my face. Do you come to my house and see evidence? No, you don’t. So don’t leave any for me. It’s really easy. Put that lipstick covered wine glass in the dishwasher and not in the sink. And guys, swiffer the bathroom floor! Last time I checked, I am not a blonde. And if there are long blonde hairs on the floor, swiffer them. It’s really that simple.

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