Friday, May 15, 2009

Opps that wasn’t meant for you!

You hit send and then happen to glance at the sent to name….oh shizz!!!! Sheer panic sets in. Hurry! Think fast!! What am I going to say??? I only have about 30 seconds to get my story straight before that “WTF?!?” text comes back.

A few years ago, it was 2am and I was awoken by a text from a guy I was dating, “Miss you babe”. I fumbled with my phone trying to reply. My tired brain couldn’t figure out how so I just started a new message. “Miss you too!! Wish you were here with me. Xxoo” Send. My blurry vision cleared and my heart stopped. “No, I did not send that message to my BOSSES’ BOSS!!!!!????” From a dead sleep, I was now awake and panicking. He’s married what if his wife sees that? OMG, what is he going to say to me? Do I send another one and say “Opps, that wasn’t meant for you!”? 5, then 10 minutes go by and no response. Maybe he didn’t see it. Of course he did! He sleeps with his phone (company policy). Its 2am, he’ll know it was an accident, right? Nothing was mentioned for weeks. Am I in the clear? Finally my boss tells me that his boss was under the assumption I was dating one of my managers with the same first initial. Which was far from the truth so we laughed.

But how many times have you gotten a text from a guy/girl and knew it wasn’t meant for you???? My girl just caught this guy in a total lie. They were texting back and forth earlier in the day. Then all the sudden he sends “I miss you. Wish you were here.” So she forwards it to him and asks what was this for. And you want to know his excuse? “I didn’t send that message to you or anyone. The lines must have gotten crossed and the message just says it’s from my phone.” Are you kidding me???? Anyone in telecom reading this please let me know if that is possible. Because as far as I know from my 3 years at T-Mobile, can’t happen! And of course he did the whole back peddle and tried to turn it around on her! Really, we aren't dumb douchebags! One time my ex sent me a text from NY "Are you ready for me baby?". I sent back a "WTF?". "I'll be back in a few days just making sure you'll be ready." Dumbass!

Boys, if you are going to be a “player” keep your game tight! Keep your girls straight! And stop slippin!!! Until next time, keeps "sexting"! :)

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