Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Matter of perception.

A few months ago I randomly met this guy. He wasn’t necessarily my type but I agreed to go have brunch with him. Prior to the brunch he sent emails and texts saying how excited he was that I agreed. Nice guy but here is where he went wrong.
(Damn, I wish I had the text message log but I only have the email chain to reference.)
2/5 – Asks me out on date.
2/6 – I agree to brunch
2/8 – Brunch date. He proceeds to ask very personal questions. And keeps talking about my eyes. He could tell it was making me uncomfortable but proceeded! I clam up and after brunch and run to my car.
2/9 – Email asking how the rest of my day was after brunch.
2/9 – Email “By the way, I must tell you that you have some of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen...the color and the depth” Ummm, he told me that at brunch about 10x. At this point, I am irritated.
2/9 – Email “p.s. you don’t like compliments do you? LOL” I do, but not the same one over and over again!!!!
This went on and on for about a week. Finally I just said I didn’t have that connection I needed and wished him the best of luck.

So if this guy would have paid attention to my comfort level and slowed his roll, who knows. But I ran for the hills and FAST! He took the nice guy to a douche-bag level. He wasn’t paying attention to the fact he was making me uncomfortable. He was only considered with his own agenda. And when I explained he was making me uncomfortable here was his response “I'm sorry...I'm Italian...and when I feel something I usually express it ;-) whether it my appreciation or disapproval of something...LOL”. Really???????


  1. Guide to getting into Ms. Sicily's pants:

    1.) don't compliment her
    2.) don't be nice
    3.) be diligent about hiding relations with other girls
    4.) avoid too much communication
    5.) have status
    6.) add wine
    7.) kiss her

  2. Will you meet me for a drink? I have a sweet magic trick to show you.
