Wednesday, May 27, 2009

(Insert Name Here) WAS HERE 5/27/09.

Now-a-day’s nothing is private. Your shizz is on blast 24/7. No matter how hard you try and keep it on the down low, it still comes out.

My favorite type of girl is the one that posts comments on dude’s pages, so that every other female will know about them. Are you that insecure with yourself that you have to put it out there like that? It’s the subtle comments that make it known that; yes, he knows you and yes, you are kicking it. But if it was something more, don’t you think HE would make it known? Are you really scraping for that little bit of recognition?

Once I have an official relationship, believe me, I’ll be the first to post a comment on my man’s page. You know the ones that make you want to throw up a little in your mouth when you read? But until that day, I keep it strictly clean. And why would I want to salt my own game, lol.

But I get it. You want any other females to know you were there. You are writing your name on the bathroom wall “I WAS HERE”. Which in fact is so classy. Hold on, I need to go write my name on the wall now. BRB. OK, I’m back. So cute, I dotted my i’s with hearts. Swoon.

Yes, the dating game is harsh. And you feel you need to stake you claim on someone. And yes, maybe, you being so territorial MIGHT get you a little extra time in the beginning. But the relationships that happen organically and unforced are the ones that last. So go ahead and keep looking like a desperate little girl, while I sit back like a grown woman sipping on my wine. And like fine wine, I get better with age. Here’s to my girlies in their 30’s.

(Note: Nothing set me off, just blogging.)


  1. What ever happened to keeping it simple? Maybe I am naive to think that, being out of the dating game for over a decade, I could walk up to any woman I want to chat up and just say hi, let her know that I like the outside polish but i want to spend some time to get to know the person inside. If she isn't feeling it then no worries, lets finsih our drink and make fun of the silly people all around us. If she is down to kick it then lets do something that has no expectation attached, something that allows us to see if we can even have fun together. If at the end of the night, or anywhere in between, my lips find a tractor beam to her mouth, then i'll go for a kiss, but only if the circumstances are such that i could not possibly go another moment without one. If that vibe isn't there then hopefully i have found a new friend at least.

    Why and how does it get so damn complicated?

  2. This Town is horrible...I had a great dating life in the St. Louis area when I was Air Sad one.
