Thursday, October 15, 2009

From Seat Filler to Leading Lady.

Have you ever felt like you were just filling a need in someone’s life until they found the leading star in this movie we call love? I think we are all guilty of casting someone to fill the seat until the perfect person comes along.

The person is usually a pretty amazing person but there’s something just missing. They don’t have that j'nai se qua about them. But rather than being alone, we hang out with this person who is not your ideal.

We pick people out of loneliness, convenience, lust and boredom. Believe me, I’ve picked people for these reasons and know I’ve been selected for the same. It’s almost an unspoken agreement. We both know what our purpose is and we deal with it. But sometimes its one sided.

How do you know if you were their seat filler? Well, have you ever been in what you thought was a lasting relationship and then all of the sudden your significant other breaks up with you and BAM they’re engaged to someone within 6 months? Yeah, guess what? You were their seat filler. Don’t feel bad…it’s happened to us all.

But one day, that BAM moment will happen for you. And it too will be magical, I hope. 

1 comment:

  1. ahhhhhhhhh... you saw 500 Days of Summer didn't you?
