Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Insecurity is not attractive.

Insecurity is one of the biggest turn offs. Always looking for reassurance and confirmation of someone’s feelings is the quickest way to turn someone off. Don’t ask me over and over again if I miss you. Guess what, I did, but now that you’ve asked me everyday…I no longer miss you. I’m actually kind of sick of you now. Go ahead; keep asking when you’re going to see me again. My answer will turn from soon to never in a heartbeat.
Why question every word out of my mouth? Insecurity usually comes from past experiences. Deal with those issues and move on. But don’t project your issues onto someone else. There is nothing attractive about a grown man saying “You’ll probably never call me again.” Really??? We just had a good time. Now I probably won’t.
I never understood this when I was younger. My ex used to tell me that if you keep accusing someone of doing something, eventually they’ll do it. Accusing him of cheating might make him cheat. Because guess what, he’s already getting accused of it…might as well be doing it. You think he is and you’re staying with him. So what would really change if he was cheating???
When I was younger, I had this self destructing behavior. A self fulfilling prophecy. It’s a sad way to live. Always thinking of doom and gloom. It’s like the Secret, if you believe it to be it true, it will be true. Now it’s your choice to think positive or negative. I choose positive. And everything happens exactly the way it’s supposed to; sometimes the road is just a little bumpy to your final destination.

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