Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Old Fashioned Modern Girl

I may be outspoken, independent, strong and modern but damn-it, I like to be treated like a lady.  I'm so old fashioned in my dating ways.

One of my guy friends asked me how my dating life was going.  Right now, it's been pretty stale, no leads, no bites.  He suggested that I do the asking out.  To me, that's a big no no.  Will not happen.  I want a man to be a man, do the asking out.  If I can tell someone is trying to gage their chances in going out on a date with me...I'll always suggest that we should go out sometime, if I'm interest.  I'll give him the reassurance that if he does ask, he'll get a yes.  But its up to the guy to do the asking.

I feel like if I do the asking out, I take the lead.  I don't want to lead our dance.  A man should show how they can take charge.  I'm sort of a any chance that a guy can me feel like girl, bonus.  And if a guy is too scared to ask me out, they probably can't handle me anyhow.  So man up....worst thing I can say is no.  But believe me, I'll say no like a lady with class.


  1. girl, I'm with you!! and it will totally be worth the wait, I promise :) Every time Todd opens a door for me I think, "yep, it was worth sticking to my guns" :)

  2. Spoken like a true lady. Totally agree!

  3. Chivalry is dead, sadly. I still mind my manners, opening doors, standing when a lady leaves the table or returns, etc, but you'd be blown away by how many women give you funny looks or act offended. I don't really care, that's their issue. I hold doors for men too, it's just being polite and cognizant of other people in the world around you.

    I think the issue is that douchebaggery has so pervaded our culture to the point where it's becoming semi-acceptable and cool in some circles of men (I pray this trend changes) that things our mothers and fathers taught us about manners have been pushed aside. Guys don't want to be "nice guys." The funny thing is that people have confused being a "nice guy" that lacks confidence and rarely gets the ladies with a man who is confident, charismatic and realizes that treating others properly can only benefit you in the end.

    And for the record, if a woman takes the lead (in dancing or in life) it's because the man let her do so.
