Saturday, December 26, 2009

2009: The Year of the Douchebag

I've heard that how you bring in the new year sets the tone for your entire year.  If I didn't fully believe it before, I do now.

Last year I was invited to NYC for NYE by a douchebag.  I wanted to go to NYC so bad that I sacrificed my morals and ignored my gut instincts and accepted.  I've been paying for that trip heavily since.  The payments started in NYC.  I cried at least 2 days while there, was scared for my life on more than one occasion and had to keep my mouth closed and not speak my mind.  I was sad to leave NYC but happy to be away from bad company.

But the payments for my choice didn't stop there.  My year has been plagued by douchebags.  It's been an ongoing theme of the year.  I can't escape it.  The levels of douchebagness have varied but when it all comes down to it....douchebag after douchebag.

So this NYE, I'm spending it with my friends I love.  I need to set a new tone for 2010.  Because another year like this one and my faith may be gone.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wanna invest?

Great business opportunity arises and you have the opportunity to invest.  You see potential and invest hoping for a profitable return in your investment.  It's a big risk but worth taking it because of the possible results.

So why don't we approach love this way?  Love is an investment.  Love has amazing pay-offs if you fully invest with the right person.

If you're truly interested in someone you'll get to know them, learn them, discover them, INVEST in them. You look beyond the moment you shared.  We can share a bunch of random moments but to develop and grown on those moments is what makes things unique and special.

It's so easy to get caught up in just the moments.  They're intense, heat filled and exciting.  But even that gets boring and old.  Don't get me wrong, its so much fun.  But after a while, you feel worn, tired and most of alone with no one to count on.  When you invest in someone, you learn them.  You gain trust and love.

I've come to the realization that if you aren't willing to invest in me...get to know me...I really can't accommodate you.  This is your "No shoes, No shirt, No Service" notice.