Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cleaning House

Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”  With that said, I've made some changes in my life.  What I was doing wasn't working.  I had to break the cycle of douchebags.  And instead of continuing to just complain about it....I did something about it.

First step, I went through my Facebook and deleted guys that shouldn't have any access to my life.  Why should they be able to keep tabs on what I'm doing with my life if they really didn't respect me as a person?  Select and delete.  

Next step, deleted numbers from my phone.  What I should have done is change all of them to "DO NOT ANSWER".  Guess I'll do that on my next round of deletes.  

Step Three, I've removed myself from the nightlife Hollywood scene.  Sure, there might be a really nice guy in a club....but he probably isn't the type of guy that is picking up on a girl in a nightclub.  So instead of going out, I'm going hiking on Saturday and Sunday mornings.  Because I would much rather meet someone there, at coffee or the Farmers Market!

By doing that, I've cleaned house.  Got rid of all the negativity and douchebags in one clean swoop.  I'm baggage free.  LOL.  And that opened me up to doing something I've said I'm totally dating.  I'm checking it out.  I'm holding my judgement for a later date......