Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mother of the year

The intention of my blog has always been to bring humor to common life experiences.  We all go through things and instead of beating a dead horse (no animals were hurt in the making of this blog), I tried to show the light side of life. 

Now I haven't blogged in a while because I've been consumed and busy being the best Mommy EVER! At 10 months old, Sophia is standing and letting go, signing "Milk", "More" and "All Done", handing me objects when I ask for them and doing simple calculous problems.  My child is so advanced for her age.  :) 

So you can understand my frustration when I received an anonymous comment left on one of my blogs.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Did I do that? (insert Erkel voice)": 

Seriously, being a mother is hard but it's the best thing ever too. Unlike you all I ever wanted to be was someones mother. My time spent wasting my youth on partying and boys who I no longer remember their names ended with my teenage years,thankfully. You will hopefully continue to grow and be less cosumed with yourself. Someday you will be an adult who truely cares for people. Good Luck on your jouney!!! 

I've always wanted to be a Mom.  But instead of jumping into motherhood in my 20's, I enjoyed life and was self consumed like you're supposed to be.  I became a mother when I was ready to become one.  Not because I was searching for someone/something to love me.  I became a mother when I was at a place where I was ready to give my everything to another life.

And in no way did I waste my youth on partying with boys whose names I thankfully no longer remember.  I mean who can remember ALL those names???  I save my brain space for much more important things.  All I know is that when I'm 45, I'll still be content being a mother.  I won't start resenting my child and start acting like a 20 year old.  I had my fun.  My life has balance.  It actually makes me sad that this reader missed out on all that fun. 

Remember life is short, enjoy your journey.  Each journey is individual.  Don't pass judgement on others and always remember to LAUGH!