Luckily, I have a high school friend that is not only a huge Disney fan but also a travel agent for Disney! Score. I send over our wish list for the trip and she does all the work for me. Seriously, don't plan it yourself. She sent me so many tips and features, I would have not know about. Bonus, a promotion came out after we booked and she was able to apply it to our existing trip and got us a refund! Yeah, she's cool like that!
I decided to keep the trip a surprise. Do you know hard it was to keep a trip to Disneyland a surprise??? I was busting at the seams with excitement!! Not only was the trip a surprise, a few of her classmates from LA were meeting us at the gates!
We planned on waiting until we were at the gates of Disneyland to tell her where we were but we were bursting at the seems and broke the news once we arrived.
This is what being a parent is all about!!!!