Wednesday, July 1, 2009

20's vs 30's

I spent my 20’s trying to show men what a good wife I would make. Cooking for them, keeping my house in order, etc. Because if they saw how awesome I was, maybe they would marry me, commit to me. Seriously, I would keep my place sparkling all the time. Always offering to cook dinner. If I started dating someone I wouldn’t go out as much. They wouldn’t want a girl who was a party girl, right? Had to play up the “image” of what a good “wifey” would do.

Now that I’m in my 30’s….times have change. I can’t remember the last time I cooked for a guy! LOL!! My apartment looks like I live there now. It’s not dirty but it sure doesn’t sparkle ever day. And honestly, if you can fit into my schedule, we can hang out. Yes, I’m going out tonight and no you can’t come. You have to earn my time. Time is precious.

I come to realize I spent all those years trying to show what a good wife I would make instead of looking for the man who would make a good husband! And now, who knows if I’ll even get married. The importance of that has dwindled. Yes, a relationship is important to me but I won’t sell myself short. I have a lot to give. But it won’t be given to just anyone.

That’s the joy of age. You stop caring about what other people think. It’s so freeing. In the past few years I’ve grown into this person. I like me, actually I love me. I look back at the old me and cringe.

So as my birthday is just a few days away, I will embrace it. And I look forward to the lessons I learn this year.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see that you have not, and will not, let the failures of men and their poor vision, regress you into someone who you are not. You sound like you have been on the right path with the wrong company. You are just about prepared to meet someone worthy of sharing your journey.
