Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sorry, I've been too busy....

We've all gotten this excuse.  And you try and justify it to yourself and your friends.  Denying the sheer truth of what's really going on.  Plain and simple, that person just isn't into you.  No one is THAT busy.  The busiest people in the world make time for the people that are important in their lives.  We all have to eat.  So grab lunch, dinner, damn breakfast if you have to.  Just giving that person a fraction of your day.  Showing that you are in fact interested and that you really want to get to know them.  And if you don't want to hang out with them, be honest about it.

I am guilty of the "too busy" line.  Stringing boys along.  The truth is, no matter how tired I am, if I like you and want to get to know you, I will make it happen.  It doesn't matter if I had to work a 10 hour day, followed by a 2 hour workout.  I will feed off the excitement to see you!  I'll probably have a little hop in my step.  :)  I want to get to know you.  I'll always make sure you know what days I am free.  And I'll never make a generalization of when we can hang out.  It will be locked on my calendar.  

I'm tired of this excuse and stopped using it.  Some of you can vouch for that!  LOL :)  I have started being honest and saying "It's never going to happen!"  Which is the nice thing to do.  It sets people free.  

With that said, if I tell you when I am free and you get the days confused more than once, probably going to write you off.  Nothing is worse than me holding a day for you and you flake.  REALLY???  If we talk on a Sunday and plan on Thursday, don't say "I thought we were going to hang out on Friday" when I confirm with you on Wednesday.   

There's assumptions I'm going to make about your flaking.  And just because I love list's so much here are my top 5 reasons.
1. There's someone else you probably like more.
2. You're just a flakey person.  And we wouldn't work out anyhow.
3. You didn't listen to me.  And we wouldn't work out anyhow.
4. You got our date confused with your other girls.
5. You are just a douchebag.
So pick which ever one you seem fitting.  And if you aren't feeling someone, just say it.  

1 comment:

  1. can i add?
    #6. You front like you're too busy too call a girl so it seems like you are important and a mover & shaker when in fact you don't have anything going on in your life but you are too insecure to admit that so you act like the busy douchebags you see walking up and down Melrose who are too self-absorbed to care about anyone outside of themselves. You figure they are rich and have hot (fake) women so maybe monkey see monkey do.

    or somethinglikethat...
