Sunday, November 29, 2009

Taking responsibility.

I've spent so many years pointing fingers, making excuses.  I do something ghetto "I'm from the bay".  I do something goofy "I'm left handed".  I do something crazy "I'm Sicilian".  Someone asks "Why are you still single?"  "Cuz dudes are douchebags."

Well I'm finally going to take responsibility for my singleness.

Yes, its MY fault I'm still single.  No one's fault but mine.  The energy I throw out there is a single, party girl who just wants to have fun.  I don't put myself in situations that are conducive to meeting my "one".  This is my self realization moment.

I'm not changing who I am.  But I'm changing the vibe I'm sending out into the world.  I'm still going to be me because I love who I am.  I love going out, having fun with my friends.  That's not changing.  I'm still going to be crazy and blame a lot of my actions on being left-handed, Sicilian and from the bay because that's me.  But I'll no longer blame me being single on anyone but me.

I believe in the Law of Attraction.  And what I've been attracting is the guys looking for nothing more than a moment.  I'm looking for more than that moment.  And I haven't been putting out that vibe for a long time now.

I've actually started making these changes already.  I've switched up my routine and how I go about doing things.  I know my old ways just weren't working....I wasn't happy.  So I'm taking myself out of my comfort zone to find the results I want.  I know it won't be easy but nothing worth having ever is.  Great love takes great risk.

1 comment:

  1. Good girl, get out there. About the comfort zone, I have this quote I like to remember when I'm doing something new and feel like giving up;

    "If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone."
    - John Maxwell
