Wednesday, November 28, 2012

19 months, going on 13

This morning I got a jarring request from my 19 month old. It was one of those asks I thought I had years before hearing. We arrived at school this morning and one of Sophia's classmates, dare I say best-friend, came over to greet her.

"Fia, HI Fia, HI Fia", her best-friend yells as she comes over to hug Sophia. Sophia says her hellos and then notices the shiny new earrings on her friend.  As Sophia reaches for her ears, I tell her,"Gentle...." in fear she would pull on them.  I also comment on how pretty the earrings are and her friend replies, "Beautiful."  I agree that they are very beautiful.  The next thing that happened blew my mind.

Sophia looks at me holding her ears and says "Fia's ears" and then points to her friend and says "Fia, ears." Her teachers and I stood there looking at each other.  I asked Sophia "You want to get your ears pierced like your friend?" "Yes, Fia's ears!" "Well we have to go to a store to do that...." and before I could finish, Sophia was headed for the door.  "Sophia, we can't go now but we'll talk about it tonight with Daddy." She immediately begins to pout, walks over to the mini sofa, throws herself down on it and begins to cry.  I sit down next to her and tell her how we can talk about it tonight and maybe go this weekend and she gets up and goes to her friend.  Her friend looks at me and points to her ears and says "Out, out....Fia" like she wanted me to take them out of her ears and give them to Sophia.

I'm still in shock that my 19 month old basically asked me to go get her ears pierced!  And how adorable is it that her friend wanted to let her wear them?  These girls are too much!!

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