Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Old Fashioned Modern Girl

I may be outspoken, independent, strong and modern but damn-it, I like to be treated like a lady.  I'm so old fashioned in my dating ways.

One of my guy friends asked me how my dating life was going.  Right now, it's been pretty stale, no leads, no bites.  He suggested that I do the asking out.  To me, that's a big no no.  Will not happen.  I want a man to be a man, do the asking out.  If I can tell someone is trying to gage their chances in going out on a date with me...I'll always suggest that we should go out sometime, if I'm interest.  I'll give him the reassurance that if he does ask, he'll get a yes.  But its up to the guy to do the asking.

I feel like if I do the asking out, I take the lead.  I don't want to lead our dance.  A man should show how they can take charge.  I'm sort of a any chance that a guy can me feel like girl, bonus.  And if a guy is too scared to ask me out, they probably can't handle me anyhow.  So man up....worst thing I can say is no.  But believe me, I'll say no like a lady with class.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Yeah, they have an app for that.

On the iPhone, you can get just about any application imaginable on your phone!  If you can think it, they’ve probably got an app for it. 
They need to have a douchebag detector app.  I Googled it, doesn’t exist yet.  But looks like a lot of people agree….it’s needed.   With the press of one button you can get a reading on your phone showing his level of douchebagness….genius!  It should have different categories that it rates him on.  And you can decide what is and isn’t too much douchebag for you.  You could better evaluate if he is worth your time.   
Possible categories:
  1. Loyalty
  2. Honesty
  3. Good to his mother
  4. Trust worthy
  5. Compassionate
  6. Kindness
  7. Self Control
  8. Respect
  9. Reliable
  10. Confident
List growing but I think that's an honest start.  :)
I see this app saving a lot of time and heartache.  The worst part about a douchebag is his smooth words and ways that he convinces you “he’s one of the good ones”.  If the app could evaluate him with just a tap of his phone….pure awesomeness. 
Also in development: Is she a sheezy? app. :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

The "what if" girl.

"Remember (insert name)?  I met him (insert number) years ago at (insert random location).   We hung out for a while/few times/talked about going out and never did.  Well he called last night.  So random."  I can't even tell you how many times I've said this to my friends.

Am I the "what if" girl?  That girl that always sticks in your mind and you wonder about?  What is it about me that lingers with you?  And no these aren't booty calls.  These are calls from people in my past, checking in, seeing where I am at in my life.  The you came into my mind today and I wanted to see how you were calls.

These calls always spark the imagination, the what if's start flowing.  I start rethinking what actually happened between us.  And why things ended in the first place.  We didn't end on bad terms.  Honestly, none of my "relationships" do.  Things just tend not to work.  Different place, different time.  But when they call, I tend to wonder; is this the different place, different time? Sometimes, I'll meet up with them to catch up.  And I can tell you, not once have I felt that this was our time now.  My tastes have changed or they have changed.

It's crazy how much I've changed in the past 3 years.  Things I used to be attracted to, not so much anymore.  Damn, I'm growing up!  :)

But what these calls do give me is closure.  It gets rid of my what if's.  And closing the door on your past is the sure way to your future.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Looking forward to that morning....

"I woke up one morning and felt what I knew I could never feel with you."  Ouch, that would hurt to hear. I just finished watching 500 Days of  Summer.  It made me think, think a lot.  I'm that girl.  I get involved with someone and say "I don't want anything serious."  And also freak out when I'm asked to put a title on it.
It's my fear of pain, heartache and loss speaking.  It's easier to act stand-offish than to get involved and get your heart broken.  But it's also the fact that I'm waiting for that moment...that feeling, that knowing moment.  That person I'll never have a doubt about.
But then I that even possible?  To meet someone and never have any doubts about them being the one?
I'm so looking forward to the morning I wake up and just know...knowing that this is it.   I can't imagine my life continuing without this person in it.  To wake up and not be scared anymore, withdrawn and have my walls come down.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sharing is not always caring.

So you meet someone, you go on a few dates.  Wow, you really like this person.  You can see this becoming something bigger.  Do you stop dating anyone else?

If you really feel a connection with someone, you want to give it a real chance to develop.  Without any distractions.  That is, if you want and are looking for a real relationship.  But I'm guessing, if you like to sleep around, you're probably not looking for the one.  You probably aren't looking past the intimacy.   You're addicted to the chase and conquer of each female.

I've never understood how people can sleep around and seriously date multiple people at the same time.  How are you ever able to evaluate how you feel about anyone if you are dating/sleeping with multiple people?  

And the guys/girls that make is so obvious, ugh.  So gross.  Really, you think I'm gonna think that's it hot?  Knowing that you were hanging out with another girl last night, then hanging out with me the next.  ...not a good look.  Little things like that turn me off.

If you are feeling someone, you're feeling it.  Give it chance.  Stop acting like a douchebag.  If you're only looking for relations and not a relationship, say it.  No reason to put on an act.