Friday, April 23, 2010

Woman of my word

So here's a quick note on who I am.  I'm a woman of my word.  I won't bullshit you or myself.  If I say something, I mean it.  With that said, when I say "I'm busy", "Have plans already" or shit "I have to wash my hair", I mean that!  It's not some brush off.

Yes, I know a lot of girls play those games and use those lines to blow off guys.  I am very guilty of using those in the past.  But what I've come to find, its better to just be honest.  Yes, the blow might hurt a little more at first, but in the long run its so much easier.  You never wonder what happened, what if.  I'll be honest and tell you, "It doesn't feel right", "This isn't working", "I think you're crazy", etc.

Going into anything, I always tell people I am a woman of my word. When you question that or even better, get angry at me, total turn off.  I might do a lot of things that piss you off, but that shouldn't be one of them.  Questioning my integrity is a deal breaker.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Online Shopping

I've come to realize that online dating is like online shoe shopping. You browse the pages looking at different styles, shapes, purposes, heights, categories, colors, and occasions.  Shopping online is always a risk.  You're judging the merchandise by a picture and a self serving pitch.  They have pictures in multiple angles and you try to imagine how they fit into your life/wardrobe.  They look pretty and appealing on the computer screen and they sound you hit the purchase button?

Add to cart.  Purchase.

You're eagerly awaiting your purchase.  Ding Dong.  They're here!!!

You can open the door and find something that looks nothing like the pictures online!  In the pictures they looks classy, sophisticated and trendy.  And in person they look bulky, outdated and awkward!  The description they had was easy going and comfortable but you find out they are stiff and uncomfortable.  All in all they just don't feel right!

Online shopping is always hard.  If you're like me, its more about how they look and feel in real life than in cyberworld.  And that goes for men and shoes.  I like to walk up, see them and get that butterfly feeling.  I get to see exactly what I'm committing to.  It's just a feeling you can't get online.

So men, if you see a hot girl in person, ask her out!  Stop "winking", "poking" and any other elementary school action!  Seriously, if you see a pair of shoes you want, go check them out in person, try them on. It's better than getting them in the mail and having to use the return sticker.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Here's to not changing for anyone.

I was asked what type of relationship I'm looking for.  My instant response was "Someone who inspires, motivates and supports life decisions with me." It sounds kinda cheese, well really cheesy but somewhat true. It so much more than that.

That saddest relationships I see around me are ones that people loose sight of who they are.  Watching people loose sight of their hopes, dreams and sense of self crushes my inner soul.  They get so lost in being who they think the other person wants them to be.  Seeing strong women become weak and letting someone walk all over them.

When you meet someone, you are you.  They fall for you.  Don't loose YOU. I think that's why so many relationships end.  You become this other person. Not the person they fell for.

On the flip side, don't try to change someone.  They are who they are and who the aren't.  And you have to accept it all as it is.  Just let someone be who they are.

So I guess with that said, my ideal relationship would be full of passion, support, and self expression.  Maintaining who we are but inspiring each other to be more.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Motorcycles and Golf Clubs.....

What do those 2 things have in common?  A bunch of hoes.

When the Tiger Woods "scandal" hit the press....I wasn't really shocked.  After my "celeb" dating experience, what he had going on was far from shocking.  It's like common practice in that world.  The multiple women in different cities thing is nothing new.  Women are attracted to money, power and success.  Men are attracted to hot, sexy and easy women.

I'll give my ex credit....he refuses to get married.  He loves that life.  And he can always recruit new ones when you're tired of putting up with his shit.  But come on....once you get married, keep your dick in your pants.  A one time affair could possibly be excused!  But when the numbers are as high as Tiger and Jesse's, really homies????

But I'm going to lay off the men on this one.  I blame the women!  You KNEW he was married but yet you proceeded to pursue a relationship with him.  And the minute his indiscretions hit the press you come forward to cash in.  Yes, cash in.  It shows exactly why you were fucking him.  You knew you'd never be his "one".  But you held out for money.  Its just gross.  Hiring Gloria Allred as your attorney and holding a press conference asking for an apology....really????  How about you apologize to his wife????  Who gives a shit about what he told you?  He's married, he's off limits.

Women, we need to start respecting EACH OTHER!  It's a fact, its hard to be monogamous.  But if we all take a stand as women to not lay down with another woman's man, we could make a shift in this world.  So instead of lusting after another woman's man, desire to find someone who encompasses what you like about that man.  Don't fall for the bullshit lines and respect yourself and other women.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Twitter = crush killer

Never before have we had this much access to our celebrity crushes. As little as 5 years ago, the closest we got to our crushes was in the magazines. We would imagine the lives they were living and picture ourselves in them.  Then came the celebrity blogs and sites where we could instantly keep up to date on our favorite stars.  They get arrested, we knew!  They cheated, we knew!  TMZ took it to a whole new level and brought us the gossip on TV!  Not only do we have pictures but now video catching them in their human moments.  The picture we painted of our idols suddenly became tarnished and jaded.  They make mistakes likes us and look awkward grocery shopping like us.

Then came Twitter.

Not only do we have the paparazzi catching people in these not so flattering situations, they are putting themselves on blast, to the world, by themselves!?!  Are you kidding me??

We have a direct connections to our biggest crushes now.  I don't need to watch Cribs to see into their houses, they post pictures on Twitter.  Filming a movie, shit, I'm on set.  Having a fight with your partner, not only do I get video of it from TMZ, but I can follow your craziness, sitting on their doorstep, waiting for them to get home and then screaming.  I get video and your crazy asses fighting with each other on Twitter??? You can even go as far as to webcam your crazy ass dancing in lingerie and falling while dancing on a chair and claim "You're sober".  Sure.  I think you're sane too.

My crushes have been crushed by Twitter.  These babbling idiots have killed it.  I fell in love with the rolls you've played.  Now that you've shown who you are, yeah, good luck!  My prince standing below my window with a boombox playing "In Your Eyes", is now standing there babbling about some shit he heard on Fox News Radio.  Sorry kid.  I might have to shoot you, run down and change the station.  Thanks for being a dream killer.  And good luck with your thoughts.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I am so inspired right now!  It's amazing how sharing can help, transform and inspire others.  I had an amazing seminar class tonight and I get home to an email from a friend saying she is online looking at registration for the Forum as we speak!  I made a commitment to continue the conversation we started last night and before I could even make the call, she was already enrolled in the possibility!!  

It's amazing knowing I can make such an impact on the people that surround me.  You can't imagine the feeling I have right now.  Me, little 'ol me, being able to make a change in someone's life.  The only thing I'm doing is sharing how my life has been transformed.  Sharing the possibilities that I thought were NEVER and I repeat NEVER possible are now not only possible but are complete and amazing realities.

My dreams are only getting bigger and bigger.  And now I'm not scared of taking that chance.  Living my dream life.  

I know this is normally a blog about relationships....well this is about relationships.  Just now with different colored lenses that can see beyond the hand in front of my face.