Friday, May 25, 2012

Family - An Open Letter

A few months ago I was stunned by a comment on my blog and it turned out to be from someone who considers me "family".  It made me start evaluating what I really thought family stood for and meant to me.  I mean really, if we're family, attacking me via a blog?  In all reality, I don't know you.  I may have met you a few times when I was a child and yes, we are related, but to call yourself my family........I don't feel that way.  I know who my family is.  And not all of them are blood related to me.  Blood doesn't make you family.  Being there makes you family.  As far as I'm concerned, my Father's side of the family gave me up for adoption.  They allowed me to be raised by another family who I consider to be my family now.  They are the people I spent the holiday's with.  They came to my graduation and birthday's.  They saw all my firsts.  They held me when I cried.  They cheered for me when I accomplished something huge.  They took me in when you wanted nothing to do with me. And they did it without any hesitation or motive.....they did it with love.  And I'm not just talking about my step-Dad's family.  I'm talking about all the friends I've met along the way that I now consider to be in my family.  They know exactly who they are without me having to say their names.  I love you all.

And you can go into your stories about how you want to get to know me now.  I'm sorry but I'm almost 35 years old now.  If you're having a hard time dealing with it now.....don't worry, I'm complete with it.  And you should find a way to get complete with it too.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for attacking you. The trueth is I was kind of excited to try and connect with you. The other post came out of hurt. Yes, I know not all family is blood related. I just remembered one week you came to Phoenix form California and I was so excited to get to spend time with you. Let's be honest, we were both kids back then. Internet communication wasn't around yet. I would have loved to know you back then. I often wondered about you as a kid and even as a young adult. I was excited to get to know you a bit through fb. I mean in the way of seeing you pictures and comments from time to time.
    I guess we are just different in the way we think. With the exception of my biological father, I would welcome getting to know distant relatives.
    You know it's kind of funny, I havn't looked at your blog for months. I did look at it sometime after you make Sophia's teacher a gift. Then this morning after doing my coupon stuff, I started to think of you and opened up your blog. Maybe it was just a coincidence. In any event , here is your long over due apology. I also except the fact that you don't want to get to know me and you don't consider us family.
