Thursday, August 13, 2009

Can I be your junkie?

So I was just talking with my friend, who unfortunately has almost the same name as my ex-douchebag. He was commenting on my dating ways. Guys seem to have a 6 week shelf life with me. Those of you I have dated are nodding in sync at this moment. If you made it further than that, congratulations! Now, pat yourself on the back as you have achieved something most do not.

I think it takes about 6 weeks to actually get to know someone. At that time you evaluate a few key things about if this relationship can continue. Are your values the same? Are you still having FUN? Do they have a quality that is more annoying than cute? Do they fit into your life? And vice versa? Are your friends/family supportive of this new mate? Do you have passion?

The most important thing I am looking for, that “I can’t get enough of you” feeling. We’ve all experienced that feeling. Sometimes, scratch that, most of the time, its one sided. Sometimes it happens at different times. One person experiences it, you are their drug. Then right as they start kicking their habit, the roles reverse. Then most part ways.

For the lucky few, it happens simultaneously. Birds chirping, hearts pumping, can’t get enough. That moment when you say “OMG, we’ve seen each other every day for 2 straight weeks! And I still want to see you tonight.” The first night apart seems like hell and you stay on the phone talking/texting each other until you fall asleep. It doesn’t seem like a chore hanging out or making plans. It just is.

You either have it or you don’t. It can’t be forced. You can’t make someone feel something they just don’t. It happens naturally and organically.

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