Thursday, February 11, 2010

Singles Awareness Day.

Singles Awareness Day aka Valentine's Day is upon us again.  You made it through the holidays alone but when this day hits, bam like a left hook to the jaw.  Honestly this day only matters to women so they can show off to their friends!  You want to prove to your friends how much your man loves you.  It's a straight competition!

If you work in an office the pressure is on.  Will your husband/boyfriend come through?  And best believe he better have gotten you a bigger bouquet of flowers than so and so!  Oh and the questions they ask with judging eyes....where is he taking you to dinner tonight?   

Even if you could care less about this Hallmark holiday, you end up caring that day.  Caring because of all the inquiries about what your man is doing for you.  Seeing the pictures posted all over Facebook.  Regardless of the tough exterior you put on, it still hurts.

For us single ladies, it's hard.  We couldn't go out to dinner even if we wanted to.  Prix-fixe over priced menus surrounded by couples giving each other goo-goo eyes.  The expectations thick in the air.  And everyone around you getting laid, well at least they hope.  

Well here's to girls competition day!  Good Luck Ladies, may the best woman WIN!

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